
My Place


Welcome to my place. My place is a hub of honesty and raw emotion. It is the true story of the extreme highs and lows in my life since my cancer diagnosis. I want you, the reader to be able to understand and feel at least a hint of what I continue to go through. I have had to analyze every aspect of my life while finding the positive and also allowing, even embracing, the pain. I am very proud of myself through this journey so far and continue to be amazed by my strength to conquer the landscape that is constantly changing before me. Please do not take offense, feel guilt or consume any blame for anything you read here. Read what I have published knowing this is my own rollercoaster of struggles and triumphs that I have purposefully chosen to share with you.


My Goal


From the beginning, I have always tried to portray my diagnosis in a positive light. I don’t use stages as a term to describe my diagnosis, nor do I categorize myself as a statistic. I am me. I will fight this the way I would fight anything else: with resolute strength and persistent control wherever I can. This includes the message. The goal of my journey is to find a purpose. I need a reason this happened to me. So, I write. I tell my raw and truthful story hoping it will impact my readers to have strength in their struggles, be inspired to be healthier, and be open to knowing that change is inevitable. It is how you deal with that change that is important.


My Diagnosis


On February 26th, 2018 I was diagnosed with Her2+ breast cancer in my left breast. Although they don’t believe it was growing for more than 6 months it spread to my lymph nodes, bones (specifically sternum/chest), liver and brain. Her2+ is the fastest growing on the breast cancer scale. Good news is that I’ve responded very well to treatment. To-date I have received 3 different treatments, and targeted radiation on three spots on my brain. Since starting treatment I have had some pain, lost my hair and had another a couple flare ups but overall I feel I have been lucky to be able to live my life quite normally.


 In My Own Words
